The YY Women Series focus on individual woman sharing their stories and the results of using our YY products.
“I have better energy levels throughout the month and especially during my period.”
I am a New Zealand expat tand have been residing in Singapore for the last 8 years. I have an online business, and also freelance as a producer, actress and model. I work from home and am lucky enough to be able to plan my day and commitments as I please. Typically my day involves replying to emails and handling tasks for my online business. If I have freelance projects, then I will plan and prepare for them as well. Work-life balance is also very important to me, so I do try to spend some time going for walks, exercising and spending a bit of downtime each day. If I have a shoot, that will keep me out and busy for the entire day.
I have endometriosis, so I don't look forward to getting my period at all. It used to be quite severe such that leading up to my period, I would start to feel bloated and tired all the time. My bowel movements would be highly irregular and my emotions would go haywire. During the first two days of my period, I would get very bad cramps and feel exhausted all the time. Sometimes this is coupled with nausea and a bad stomach. I was pretty reliant on the strongest and maximum dosage of pain killers for the first two days of my period as the pain would often be unbearable.
Ever since being diagnosed with endometriosis, I've made a conscious effort to adjust my lifestyle and diet. I've limited my intake of red meat, gluten and dairy and have focused on a more vegan-based diet. I've also made it a point to exercise more, get proper sleep, as well as take supplements to take care of my body. Part of the changes I’ve made to my lifestyle has been the introduction of TCM medicine into my daily routine and swapping my afternoon caffeinated drink out for YY’s Period Care Routine tea. With these changes, I notice that I have better energy levels throughout the month and especially during my period. These lifestyle changes have definitely also helped with my bloatedness and bowel movements. I've since stopped taking pain killers during my period and have been off them for several months now.
YY’s Period Care Routine is super fast and easy. Being a tea drinker to begin with, I had no issues swapping my caffeinated teas out for something that I know is caffeine-free, good for me and has great benefits for my health and body. I grew up taking TCM for my period and hated the hassle of having to brew the medicine just to yield a bowl to drink. I love the health benefits the YY Period Care Routine teas bring me, without having to pop pills or vitamins daily. It just feels like a more natural way of taking care of my body.