21 tea bags specifically formulated to relieve, restore and rejuvenate you throughout your monthly cycle. Each tea bag has been designed and packaged to fully complement your lifestyle and the tropical climate we live in.
We work with certified physicians and suppliers to guarantee the quality of our products.
Subscribe to a delivery schedule most suitable for you and your cycles.
Our 21-pack subscription model is meant to work in tandem with your period cycle. Typical cycles range from 21 to 40 days.
Each subscription includes 5 Pink Packs + 4 White Packs + 12 Yellow Packs
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If your typical cycle length is around 21-28 days, this schedule is most suitable for you.
If your typical cycle length is around 29-35 days, this schedule is most suitable for you.
If your typical cycle length is 36 days or more, this schedule is most suitable for you.
How to track your average cycle length
Simply count the number of days between Day 1 of your current cycle and Day 1 of your next cycle. Track for 3 cycles and total up the number of days. Divide that number by 3 and you'll have your average cycle length.