Lydia Yang: Oak & Bindi
Lydia Yang, more popularly known as Oak & Bindi, is a graphic designer/artist who draws inspiration from 90s’ cartoon visuals and bold colour palettes. In a special collaboration, Lydia brings her strong yet fun-loving illustration style to YY Wellness’s limited edition items just for this Christmas season, exuding playful vibes while making a statement on personal wellness.
10 mins read
We noticed that you have multiple studios, projects and shops, which is amazing! Tell us a bit about your projects. Have you always wanted to be an illustrator?
Lydia (L): Thank you!!! We actually just have one studio, that is home to Tell Your Children along with neighbor, a small slow-growing store I’ve been working on pretty much the whole of this past year!
The projects that I am running have actually very quickly multiplied in the last quarter of this year!
One of my favourites is a project called FRIENDStoKEEP - a little venture I started with two of my best girlfriends. We are very early into conception but have exciting plans to create a line of delightful and beautiful things - with the message of treasuring the close friendships we have.
Otherwise I have been kept busy with collaborations (including this one!) for the rest of this year and have been planning for our Christmas Market out at neighbor! We’re really excited to be hosting our first Christmas event and hope that it will be a very cozy and fun couple of days !
What’s your biggest influence in becoming an artist?
L: I never really knew this up till lately as I always did it because it was something I was good at and also to keep myself busy and to survive. But if I really went deeper, I feel responsible as a person who is able to communicate visually, to contribute to the fabric of the creative scene in Singapore and beyond, as well as to use my art as a vessel to advance the right messages needed in the world today.
What’s your biggest influence in becoming an artist?
L: I never really knew this up till lately as I always did it because it was something I was good at and also to keep myself busy and to survive. But if I really went deeper, I feel responsible as a person who is able to communicate visually, to contribute to the fabric of the creative scene in Singapore and beyond, as well as to use my art as a vessel to advance the right messages needed in the world today.
What is the most important thing you learned from your career that you would want to share with other women?
L: Always do your best and be kind to yourself and to others. Responsibility and honesty will win you favour.
How do you spend your time outside of work, and how do you de-stress from all the work?
L: I actually hardly get the chance to be completely off work but when I do, it’s usually an intentional break. Work isn’t all that stressful for me, thankfully!
I would usually be outdoors doing something fun or relaxing, or be out visiting stores that fuel my introverted hobbies (I.e plants, homewares, design). It’s always something to do with helping stimulate future ideas.
How do you take care of your mental well-being?
L: There are actually quite a number of social media accounts these days that discuss mental health and wellness and I have learnt a number of good tips from them. Mainly having a faith and knowing that my time on earth is transient helps keep me out of major stressing. Crying it out and taking some time off to recalibrate and setting realistic expectations for myself are also ways I help myself cope with the craziness of city life. Exercise is also great for the body and mind. I love to go on a long run every once in a while.
What is your approach to beauty and wellness?
L: This is a great follow up question on the previous point on setting realistic expectations - I think it’s important to stay grounded in an age where marketing and self-branding kind of rules social media. My approach to beauty and wellness is to try to keep it real and to keep it to real life. I try to post up images more consciously and think about why I want to share them before putting them up.
How has your idea of beauty evolved over the years, from when you were younger to now?
L: I find it less important (now that I’m older) to be in a state where I need to look outwardly attractive and perhaps in trend(?). Truthfully and vulnerably speaking, the topic of beauty has always been a struggle for me throughout my younger years - I’m thankful to be in a much better place about it now.
Any beauty icon?
Sophia Chang!!! I have followed her on YT since 2015-6(?) and her journey has always been relatable to me.
When you are about to have your period and during them, do you feel any difference in your daily behaviour? Mentally and physically? (or any noticeable PMS) And how do you overcome it?
L: Yes for sure! PMS is unavoidable for me (and the people around me hahaha) mentally I get irritable, physically I tend to get tired easily and sometimes bloated 😣
I have been switching up my diet which has really helped with the bloating, and have been trying out the YY teas of course! I’d love to take it more regularly to really experience the effects for myself.
What are the different approaches or remedies for periods passed down from your mother or other adult figures (or even friends)?
L: My mom has always tried to get me to take Bak Foong pills daily, but I can hardly ever be disciplined about it 😅
No cold drinks during periods, no cooling foods or drinks - pineapple, coconut water, fruit, curry etc. are huge no-nos for me during a period.
Hot milo is always a go-to and I’ve also experimented with heating patches (the kind for muscle aches lol) - they didn’t really work and I wouldn’t recommend it 😆
What is the idea/story behind the Xmas illustration for YY?
L: The idea behind the graphic was quite simple! It embodies the spirit of going together and that two is better than one.
What kind of feeling would you like to convey to people when they see the YY Xmas illustration (or any of your other illustrations?)
L: Love and delight! My first feeling when I saw the pin sample was that I sure hope others feel the same when they see my work.
What gift do you most want to receive this Christmas season?
L: The best Christmas present would be to wrap up the year well and with a spirit of peace! ✨